21 October 2021

Image of Autumn Sports News Round-up

We have had a very exciting half-term with lots of sporting events taking place in and out school.

ProSport have been fabulous all half term providing high quality invasion games and high energy dance for out PE curriculum.  We’ve also had amazing afterschool multi-skills (dodgeball, football, netball and handball) as well as a chilled out yoga session – look out for next half terms afterschool clubs – acro and archery!  Boxing club has also proved to be really popular as have the Karate sessions.  It has been wonderful to be able to see the children enjoying sport together again.

In addition to this we have participated in events out of school.  Some Key Stage 2 children were lucky enough to go to two events run by Pendle Sports Partnership to participate in inter-school multi-skills events – they had a fantastic time. 

We have also finally had some inter school competitions back.  Our year 5s and 6s have taken part in inter-school netball and football seeding events: they loved being out competing and were a credit to Trawden Forest.  We can’t wait for more next half term.

Our incredibly exciting news comes from year 4, who have benefited from the expertise of a professional rugby coach from Nelson and Colne Rugby Club.  They received 5 superb sessions in school before some of the class took part in a sunny, but muddy tournament.  All the children were fantastic sporting role models and played superbly.  The winning try (scored by Mason) came in extra time.  After many phases, Trawden secured the victory with a dive over the line! A wonderful way to end the half term. 


Tags: PE & Sport Z: Class of 2024