24 January 2024

Image of History Man Visits Year 6 as a Viking!

Year 6 had an absolutely epic day today, as they were visited by none other than the remarkable History Man - Adrian Warrell. But wait, there's more! Adrian didn't just dress up as a Viking...he actually lived and breathed the life of one, giving our students a firsthand taste of what it was like to be a Viking!

Adrian enchanted our bright young minds with fascinating facts about Viking lifestyle and culture. From the way they lived, ate, and dressed, to their thrilling adventures at sea, our Year 6 students were completely captivated. Talk about a one-of-a-kind history lesson! 

Not only did the children learn about the Vikings, but they also got a chance to EXPERIENCE it for themselves. They played Viking games that surprisingly resemble some of our modern games today! They even ground grain to make flour, just as the Vikings did in the ancient times. How cool is that? 

Our talented youngsters also got the chance to channel their inner ship builders, constructing model Viking ships with their own hands. The teamwork they displayed was absolutely incredible!

But that's not all, folks! Year 6 also showed off their creative flair by weaving their own tablet braiding, just like the Vikings did to create intricate patterns on their garments. They truly unleashed their artistic skills! 

To top it all off, our time-travelling adventurers dressed up in Viking costumes, transforming into fearsome warriors and valiant shieldmaidens. Check out the photos to see the incredible resemblance! 

We cannot thank Adrian enough for bringing history to life in such an interactive and unforgettable way. It's moments like these that truly ignite our students' passion for learning. Kudos to Year 6 for fully embracing this incredible experience!

Tags: Class of 2024 History