13 March 2020

Image of Science Fair 2020

Wow! Where can I begin? This year's Science Fair has been absolutely AMAZING! The Judges and I have all had a scientific overload due to the number of new things we have learnt due to everyone who entered. 

This year, children really stepped up their scientific working and explanations to impress the judges with their knowledge. We are impressed by children across school due to their effort. For example, a child in EYFS was able to explain the phases of the moon and a child in Year 6 conducted an investigation to find out of the mood of an animal could be changed through music. 

I would really like to thank every child (and helper) who took part in our Science Fair to make it a truly enjoyable and educational day! I look forward to announcing the winners in our assembly on Monday... If I can make a decision by then. 

Please take a look at the KS1 and KS2 photo galleries, below. 

Mr Loynds. 

KS1 Science Fair 2020

KS2 Science Fair 2020

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