29 April 2024

Image of Year 4 Has Mastered Programming Skills with FMS Logo!

 Our talented Year 4 students have been hard at work honing their programming skills using 'FMS Logo'. 

Today, they were tasked with coding the software to bring shapes to life when specific words were keyed in. For instance, when entering 'square', they had to program 'Repeat 4 [FD 100 RT 90]' to create the desired shape! They repeated this with various 2D shapes. 

But it didn't stop there! They pushed their boundaries further by enhancing the code, causing the shapes to repeat in mesmerizing patterns and eventually crafting intricate spirograph designs! 

The results were nothing short of spectacular, with a myriad of captivating designs filling the screen. We're incredibly proud of our budding young coders and their limitless creativity!

Tags: Class of 2026 Computing